MAKE your furbaby's Christmas purr-fect with one of the badvent calendars for cats available this festive season. This advent calendar is the purr-fect present for cats this Christmas.
With 24 doors on the calendar taking you up to Christmas Eve, he's definitely going to be a happy kitty.

Fun-Filled Games:The calendar contains 24 toys for cuddling, chewing and ignoring. What a December they're going to have!
Full of Mystery: There are furry, fabric and plastic mice, a selection of balls to roll around the floor, jingly bells, collars, a fish head and a wand complete with Santa Claws to bat
around. Purr-fect.
Nonrepeat Toys: Enhance your cat's Christmas experience. More fun with this non-repeating set of 24 exquisite cat toys.
Package includes
- 1 *Christmas ountdown cat Calendar